Name: Moran Alter
Age: 29
Originally from: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Favourite team: Flamengo
Position: Winger
Football Idol: Neymar
Fun Fact: Moran has been a ballet dancer since she first started walking and has been a ballet teacher for the last 8 years. She now teaches around 100 little Ballerinas each week!!
''I was born in Tel Aviv but my family moved to Rio de Janeiro in Brazil when I was only 6 months old. I spent part of my childhood over there before we moved back to Israel as a family, so I definitely associate myself with the Olim community.
''During a trip back to Brazil in 2019, I started to play Futevôlei (football volleyball) on the beach and I quickly realised how much I enjoyed playing ball sports, which led me to start playing football in the last year.
''I currently live in Tel Aviv, where I've been running my own dance studio for the last 4 years. I teach ballet and acrobatic classes during the day and dancing at night. Usually, when I’m not dancing, you can find me on the beach.
Despite the diversity of the different languages that can be heard at the training sessions, we all identify very closely with one another
''At the end of 2020, I heard that Inter Aliyah was starting a women's team so I knew I had to get involved. I already knew about the club through my roommates, Ita and Gabo, both of whom are heavily involved with the professional men's team.
''Inter Aliyah Banot is a special group of girls. Immediately upon arriving, I felt the good vibes of the people that were part of the community, it really feels like one big family.

Moran (front row, far right) at an Inter Aliyah Banot session
''Despite the diversity of the different languages that can be heard at the training sessions, we all identify very closely with one another.
''That's the beauty of Inter Aliyah; hearing multiple languages being spoken at the same time on the football pitch. I'm really happy to have found this new family and can't wait to help the team enter the professional women's division.