Name: Kevin Packer
Age: 27
Originally from: Buenos Aires, Argentina
Position: Right Back
Squad Number: 13
Favorite Team: Boca Juniors
Football Idol: Diego Nicolaievsky
Fun Fact: 'Packo' puts his heart and soul into every game that he plays for Inter B, so much so that he was knocked out earlier this year and still has the scar to prove it...
“I visited Israel in January of 2018 on a program for a few weeks. I was captivated. I fell in love with the country. I quickly made Aliyah and found a new home. I hoped Israel would be a great place for a new career and social opportunities and so far, I found that I was right!
“Although the idea of making Aliyah seemed pretty easy, I had a few concerns, one of which being how would I continue my passion for football in Israel. Coming from Argentina, football was a huge part of my life and I was not ready to leave that behind. I played competitively growing up, competing in tournaments all over Argentina.

“Soon after arriving in Israel, I began my search for a new club. I found Inter Aliyah on Facebook and reached out to them. After a dinner meeting, I was sold. I was invited to training, played well and started playing!
“This team is not like any team I’ve played for in the past. This team feels like a real family. We share a bond to which no other team can relate. All of us being Olim, it creates a very special environment.

''This team is not just a football team, it's much more than that. For me, it is one of the key reasons the transition to Israel felt smooth.