Name: Jeremy Tenenbaum
Age: 28
Team: Inter Aliyah A
Originally from: New York City, USA
Favourite Team: New York City FC
Position: Central Midfield
Football Idols: Luka Modric
Interesting Fact: Jeremy is an avid chess player and coaches the game too. As a kid, he was placed as high as 8th in the entire United States for his age group. A grandmaster in the making...
''I have been playing football pretty much my entire life, starting as young as 5-years-old and joining a team a year later. Football for me started on the concrete streets of New York City Public Parks.
''In general, I just love sports and games. I grew up playing more sports that I can even remember. At one stage or another I have played ice hockey, tennis, golf, baseball, basketball and I even played in a ping pong league.

Jeremy (back row, second from left) after a crucial win during the 22/23 season
''After spending my childhood and young adult life in the States, I decided to make Aliyah in 2022. I immediately fell in love with everything that Tel Aviv has to offer; the beach, the food, the people and Inter Aliyah. Aside from Tel Aviv, I also have a deep love for the great state of Vermont, where I take pleasure in snowboarding (yes, another sport) and meditation.
''Nowadays, I work with my fellow American and Inter teammate, Max Mzhen, at an after-school program in Tsahala. I teach 6 and 7-year-olds English, soccer, and other activities.

Jeremy (second from right) with fellow Americans celebrating the Liga Gimmel title
''I genuinely thought my soccer career was over - I didn’t even take my boots to Israel when I made Aliyah. But, one fortunate night, I went to a “Tribe TLV” event and randomly met an Inter Aliyah Basketball assistant coach. He asked if I played ball and I told him I played soccer, not basketball. He gave me captain Sam Sank’s contact information, Ita gave me his boots to train in and the rest is history.
''I trained with the first team towards the end of the 21/22 and then made the squad for the following year. I played in almost every single game as we won the Liga Gimmel title last season.
Good memories from the championship-winning season
''It was such a memorable year but two moments stand out in particular. First, the game against Galei Gil Ramat Gan, which we won 3-2. It was a decisive match and I put my body on the line. I couldn’t walk for a week afterwards but the victory was sweet.
''The second is the post-title celebrations. I’m not a big partier (contrary to the popular belief of my teammates) and, in fact, I generally don’t like to go out just for 'going out’s sake'. Yet, when we won the league and rented out a club the night after, I was on cloud 9. Never in my life have I had such reason to party - but it was so enjoyable to drink and celebrate all that hard work and dedication.
Jeremy in the midst of our post-victory tradition
''There is something truly special about Inter Aliyah. We are all immigrants in a new country and we equally share all the challenges and excitements of making a life in a new place. I think we are all endowed with a sense of perseverance and mental fortitude, by virtue of necessity.