Name: Jeremy Kahan
Age: 24
Originally From: San Diego, USA
Position: Central Defender
Squad number: 15
Team He Supports: Cardiff City
Football Idol: Cal Huesby
Did You Know: Jeremy had a somewhat eventful final game for Inter B before returning to the States. The versatile defender captained the side for the first time but also missed a penalty...
''I came to Israel in 2018 after graduating from college with absolutely no plan. I moved to a small village near Jerusalem called Bat Ayin to stay with family and had a very hard time adjusting to life in Israel and all the challenges that come with graduating from college at 21-years-old.
''In all honesty, I was very depressed at the time. I didn't know anyone other than my family, my Hebrew was of kindergarten level and I was entirely sure that moving abroad was a horrible choice.

''In hindsight, finding Inter Aliyah just goes to show how little we know where help will come from. I was helping a friend out at his startup in Jerusalem where I met a fellow footballer from Argentina. He mentioned that he was having a kid soon and was really bummed he wouldn't be able to play for a team of all Olim in Tel Aviv.
''I had played soccer in college, but kind of figured that my playing days were done, so I messaged Sam Sank on Facebook more so out of having nothing to do rather than high expectations. Sam got back to me that day and invited me to a scrimmage the next day, brought me cleats, and made me feel comfortable being the goofy, monolingual, culturally illiterate, 21-year old I was at the time. The rest is history.

''I made other friends while I was in Israel, but none quite like the ones I met on the Inter team. I joined the B team since I do not have Israeli citizenship, a necessary requirement to play in the professional division where the A team plays.
''The quality of the guys on the B squad was unreal (both on and off the pitch), all willing to do anything for one another. People would pick you up all the way across town, help you move out, give you professional advice, and so much more right off the bat. That team truly is a family.
''I am now 24, and just realizing how little I know about the world. I think I learned more from playing with Inter and the enormous amount of time I spent hanging out (and living!) with teammates than I did in all of my college years.
''I am back in San Diego living with family now, but my heart is still at Sderot Habesht (the address in Jaffa where Inter play their games) cracking jokes at Niv and Gal, watching Prusa manhandle the game, listening to the Hovav brothers give me a college course at arguing with the ref in Hebrew, and Roche acting as a human punching bag for the opposing team.
''Both Max Klaber and Max Rosenthal became brothers for life, whilst Sam and David Kanoff (Inter B manager at the time) turned into my older siblings. I speak to a few of the guys pretty often, and some less so.
''However, when I do, it's like catching up with a brother who has been busy. Since I moved back to the States, I have come to realize how important that brotherhood is, and how special those 2 years of my life will always be.
''Shoutout to Americans Protecting Goals. Inter on three, 1, 2, 3 Inter!
