Name: Alison Mervish
Age: 30
Originally from: London, UK
Favourite team: Chelsea
Position: Central Midfield
Football Idol: Frank Lampard and John Terry
Fun Fact: ''Merv'' broke her toe in the middle of an Inter Banot session. Undeterred, she ended up playing for the full two hours, before understanding later what she had done, after she took an x-ray!!
''I played football from a very young age at primary and secondary schools until the age of 16 and then stopped. I only recently started playing again last year and I can't believe I was missing it all these years!
''Israel has always had a special place in my heart and I came here on a number of occasions, before eventually spending my gap year in Israel as an 18-year-old. It was always a dream of mine to live here and I eventually realised this dream in my late 20s.

''Originally from London, I qualified as a neonatal intensive care nurse and worked in a hospital back in the UK. Luckily, I've been able to continue working in the same field here in Israel and currently serve in one of the country's top hospitals.
''After making Aliyah and settling in Tel Aviv, I heard about Inter Aliyah through fellow Brits, Matt Keston and Sam Sank. The idea of reviving my football career amongst fellow girls who had also moved to Israel really excited me so I decided to join one of the Wednesday sessions.

''The rest as they say is history, I have barely missed a week of football with Inter Aliyah in the last year, aside from when I was injured. The fact that the Inter Banot group consists of girls who are different (since we come from countries across the world) but similar (since we all made Aliyah) is what makes it so special.
''It doesn’t matter what level you play at, it's always a fun game played in good spirit and I look forward to Inter Banot every single week.