One Project.
One Family.
Meet the people that make it all happen, transforming the lives of hundreds of Olim through sports.
Fans of honour

The 10th and incumbent President of Israel, Rubi Rivlin was presented with his Inter Aliyah shirt back in February 2019 and is a strong supporter of the club and its ideals
Reuven Rivlin,
Former President of Israel

Legendary Israeli politician and ambassador for new immigrants to Israel, Lieberman has also shown his public support for our project.
Avigdor Lieberman,
Former Defense Minister of Israel

Our beloved athletes, who take to the field each and every week proudly sporting the colours of Inter Aliyah as they compete in the various leagues we participate in.
Over 200 athletes enrolled in 21/22
Olim from over 25 countries make up our teams; including the UK, France, Germany, Italy, Belgium, Switzerland, the Netherlands, Hungary, USA, Canada, South Africa, Angola, Uruguay, Brazil, Argentina, Peru, Venezuela, Ecuador and more

The generous individuals and organisations that have dug deep into their pockets to make our dreams a reality.
We are so lucky to have so many wonderful sponsors, who continue to donate on a yearly basis. We thank them from the bottom of our heart.
Organisations who we work closely with and share our values and dreams.